Agony All Leadership Stage1 General

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Required leadership skills for a squad command. Allows a squad leader to have up to 10 squad members and provides an 8% bonus to all support areas for all squad members.

Potential Use

Squad leaders for Basic Class should train these skills as a minimum to provide suitable bonuses to students.

Primary Attributes to boost with implants

Charisma and Willpower

SKills to Train

Leadership V -- Allows the character to assume Squadron Commander position of a squadron of 10 members. Grants 10% bonus to fleet members' targeting speed.
Armored Warfare IV -- +8% bonus to all fleet members' armor hit points.
Siege Warfare IV -- +8% bonus to all fleet members' shield hit points.
Skirmish Warfare IV -- +8% bonus to all fleet members' agility.
Information Warfare IV -- +8% bonus to all fleet members' targeting range.

Where to Next

Train Wing Command skill to be able to assume control of several squadrons.