Interdictor Tactics

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Interdictor Operations By Admiral Phobos ©2009


Concepts and Strategy

Traps and Guards

Small Gang/Large Gang

Heavy Interdictor vs Interdictor

While the basic concept behind different types of Interdictors may be similar (The prevention of allowing ships to warp or pulling ships out of warp), the way of going about it can be quite different.

First lets start with a basic Interdictor, the Interdictor is based on a Destroyer hull and because of that it suffers from some of the same flaws as a destroyer, mainly lack of tank. Interdictors aren't much more than a flying coffin, they tend to be much faster than their T1 counterparts but they are very thin skinned due to this. They tend to be flexible with how they are fitted and their variety of highs and weapon hardpoints give the pilot flying one a bit of flexibility in how they are fit. One of those highs at least though will always be an Interdiction Sphere Launcher. This launcher is what gives the Interdictor its ability to negate a shis ability to warp. The probes that are launched from this ship are static and provide a sphere of around a 20km Diameter from the launch point and depending on the skill of the pilot, it could take up to 2 minutes before being able to launch another.

Heavy Interdictors on the other hand are based on a Cruiser hull. They can have quite formidable tanks due to their role in preventing Super-capitals from being able to warp. While Super-caps are immune to EWAR, they are not immune to the Warp Disruption Field generator of a Heavy dictor. The Warp Disruption field generator on a Heavy Dictor is a high slot module which when activated cycles infinitely until de-activated or the ship runs out of cap. This module provides a warp disruption sphere of up to a 20km diameter (depending on pilots skills) which is mobile around the center point of the Heavy Dictor itself. This gives the Heavy Dictor pilot more flexibility in being able to move the bubble as the moment needed to either catch or further entrap a ship in its area of effect. In addition the Warp Disruption field generator can be equipped with a script. When this script is loaded the generator acts in the same manner as any Warp Disruptor, you need to have a ship targetted and then the disruptor can be focused on that target. The benefit that the Heavy Dictor gets in this regard is that it is an infinite point which cannot be negated by any # of warp core stabilizers and it also is the only warp disruptor which can prevent warping of any Super Capital (Motherships or Titans)

Basics of Warp Disruption Probes

Warp Disruption Probes have both some major similiraties and major differences to Mobile Warp Disruptors.

We can start with a brief description of what a Warp Disruption Probe is and how it is used. First off Warp Disruption Probes, similarly to Mobile Warp Disruptors are used to either pull a ship out of warp or can be launched in order to prevent a ship from warping away. Now while Mobile Warp Disruptors need to be Anchored in space and deployed, which takes a significant amount of time depending on the size of the bubble. Warp Disruption probes can launched by Interdictors from an Interdiction Sphere Launcher, similarly to a recon probe.

Now what this does is it allows both stealthy deployment of a Warp Disruption bubble or a timely tactical deployment to either prevent warp in an offensive situation or even as a defensive maneuver in order to block a retreat.

Now unlike the Warp Disruption Field generated by a HIC (Heavy Interdictor), the bubble from a Warp Disruption Probe is not mobile, it is stationary at the position of the Interdictor when the probe was launched. The bubble is a standard size (20km diameter) and lasts for a standard amount of time (60 seconds), these two variables cannot be changed via skills. The one thing that can be changed is the rate of fire with which these probes can be deployed. Standard length of time is 2 minutes and that can be reduced to an absolute minimum of 1 minute at Interdictors V.

Bubble Mechanics

Situation Assessment



