Structure and Organization - revised

From Agony Unleashed
Revision as of 06:36, 6 July 2009 by Aether (Talk | contribs)

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  1. AGONY Ranks Structure
    1. List the ranks of AGONY in order starting from the top rank. What is the first rank in AGONY where the member is no longer on probation? What ranks are considered to be senior officers?
    2. Who is responsible for managing and leading your squadron? Should you listen to them with the same seriousness as you would listen to an Agony director?
    3. How long after joining AGONY does a new member have to make Lieutenant and Lt. Commander?
    4. Which certifications are prerequisite for Lieutenant and Lieutenant Commander ranks? What other things should you do to get promoted to Lt. Commander?
    5. Which hanger(s) does an Ensign, Lieutenant and Lt. Commander have access to? Why do we impose such restrictions? What should Ensigns or Lieutenants do if they need equipment from a hangar and what should you do if you have access to the hangar?
  1. AGONY Philosophy
    1. Why is AGONY not a democracy? Does this mean that your input isn't valued?
    2. Having read The Core of Agony, describe the idea of the kind of players we want. Describe a "proactive" member in your own words.
    3. What is the point of requiring certifications and having people create and improve certifications? If you notice something is missing from a certification in an area you know a lot about, what can you do? If, for example, you don't have the interceptor or covops certification, does that mean that you cannot fly a covops or interceptor for AGONY in a gang?
    4. If you are a knowledgeable and experienced player, what can you do?
    5. If a person is new to 0.0 and new to AGONY, what are your responsibilities as an AGONY member?
    6. Why do we stock corporate hangar on frigates, modules, and ammo?
  1. General Rules
    1. What is AGONY's policy on smacktalk whether in-game, on the forums, or elsewhere? Given the policy on smacktalk, why do the senior leadership members post things in Eve Online forums or in local chat that sometimes appear to be smack?
    2. What is the difference between smacktalk and Psy-ops talk?
    3. What is AGONY's policy about using Ventrilo?
    4. Which PVPU classes should AGONY pilots take as soon as they can?
    5. If you need to go AFG for a period of time, what should you do? What happens if you don't inform anyone about going AFG and you are gone for longer than 3 months?
    6. What is the policy on arranged or agreed upon 1v1 fights? What if the opponent of arranged 1v1 breaks it and brings in friends? What if another Agony member arranged a 1v1 and asks you for help?
    7. What is the policy about giving someone your word in general?
    1. Who can we shoot in 0.0?
    2. Who can we shoot in low sec?
    3. Who can we shoot in high sec?
  1. PVP University
    1. If you wish to get involved with PVP University, what are your options?
    2. When replying to a question that a prospective PVPU student has asked on forums or in PVPU chat channel, how should you reply and what things should you consider?
  1. Agony Logistics
    1. You have just purchased battleship, some drones, ammo, and modules for it. Describe how you would set it up for transport to Agony's current 0.0 base of operation. Mention how you can create plastic wrap packages.
    2. List the key differences between using carriers, Rorquals, and jump freighters for transport of ships and items.
    3. Who can you ask to retrieve packages and ships from the Shipping hangar? Which forum should you post requests for transport if you have been waiting for your items over a week?