Talk:Threat Assessment

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Target threat recognition:

Example: (maybe we should add stats like this to ships page)
Blackbird: Dps: Low/Mid Range
Tank: Low
Suppresion: High/High Range
Evasion: None

Caracal: Dps: Mid/Mid Range
Tank: Low
Supression: Low /Mid Range
Evasion: Low

Megathron(blaster): Dps: High/Low Range
Tank: High
Supression: None
Evasion: Low

Scorpion(cruise): Dps: Mid/High Range
Tank: Mid
Supression: High /High Range
Evasion: None

so we have 3 ships, each ship has different threat to you, everytime you are in a fight, you should automatically run on your brain a list of both enemy and friendly ships, and identify threat levels, highest is supression, followed by dps, prioritizing by tank, so, you are in a fight, you see these 3 ships, biggest threats are Scorpion and Blackbird, followed by Caracal and at the end Megathron, after that you should think if you can supress these threats while not critisizing the pripary target and main orders, so if you have low dps dont even bother on the Scorpion if you have a Interceptor. and if you have a supression, you better jam the Scorpion and Blackbird if not told otherwise.

Now you are in a fight with a supressor or any dps ship and no specific orders, you have to choose between Scorpion and Blackbird, you pick crappiest tank, that is Blackbird, that way you supress your biggest threat, after that, you go for Scorpion, then Caracal and at the end Megathron.

This is a very simplified version of this prioritization, you have to take other factors in the selection, but this as a simple guide works great, its bad to have prioritization thought, but no criteria to do it right. So for the less experienced members i suggest we add some way of threat identification, maybe like this one.

let me know what you think about this so we can integrate with this article, btw its good article