The Basics of Trading

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"What is best way to trade? Why buy low, sell high, of course" - by Anonymous Trader

Introduction: Why Trade?

Trading is one of the highest income activities in game. It is also one of the less time demanding ISK-generating occupations in EVE that can be made as risky as you would like it to be. An average trader can make 50 million ISK for less than an hour of play time without ever undocking from a station.

Given the above, why doesn't everybody trade? The answer is simple: not all players find it fun and not all players are successful with it. Like other activities in EVE, being a successful trader who has fun with what he or she does requires a certain mindset. When you start experimenting with trading keep this mind that it is only a good way of generating ISK for as long as you're having fun at it.

Where to Trade

There are many locations where you can do the buy low, sell high trick. Here are a few locations that a trader might experiement

What to Trade

Common Trading Tactics