Jump Clones

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Jump clones allow you to instantly transport your character's conscience across EVE Universe to a new location. They allow you to travel great distances in a blink of an eye without having to go through jump gates and dealing with gate camps. Each clone can carry a different implant set, thus they also allow their user to have specialized "implant setups". You may set one clone up to be specialized for running missions, one specialized for scan probing, and one for flying interceptors in PVP, and use whichever one you need on any given day. You may also leave one clone implant-free to serve you in times when probability of getting podded is very high and thus it will save you some ISK on having to purchase new implants.


Jump clones are distinct from medical clones. Unlike medical clones they do not get destroyed when you get podded. You get to keep all the jump clones you make indefinitely, until you decide to destroy them on purpose.

The concept of jump clones confuses a lot of players who are new to the game. The culprit of confusion seems to be the presence of a 3rd clone type in game - medical clone. For the purposes of clarifying how all three types of clone are related to each other here is a list with definitions and explanations on what each one of them does:

  • Active clone - This is the clone that your character is presently in. Once you jump into a jump clone, it will become your active clone and your former active clone becomes your jump clone.
  • Jump clone - The clone into which you can jump at will once every 24 hours. This jump clone becomes your character's active clone when you jump into it.
  • Medical clone - This is the clone that you get transported into after you lose your pod. It preserves your skill points and becomes your active clone after you get podded. This is the clone that you lose with each podding and have to pay to re-create. When you get podded it is the medical clone that you lose - not the jump clone.


When you clone jump, your implants do not get transported with you into your new clone. Before making the jump, the game will require you to stop skill training. What this means is that if you want to continue training skills at the same rate you were training them in with your implanted clone, you will need to purchase new implants for your jump clone.

Each jump clone has 10 open implant slots. The benefit of this is that this will allow you to have clones that are fine tuned to different tasks in game. The downside is that purchasing multiple copies of implants can go heavy on the wallet.

Jump Clone Installation

There are three ways to install jump clones:

  • Installing jump clone at NPC station. As a prerequisite for this, you or your corporation must have 8.0+ standing with the NPC corp that owns the station for it to allow you to install jump clones. If you or your corp have the required standing you may simply dock at any station belonging to this NPC corp that has medical facilities.
  • Installing jump clone at player owned outpost. If you are a member of one of the 0.0 alliances that own an outpost or has docking rights to some player owned outposts it might also be that you also have permissions to install jump clones in it.
  • Getting in touch with a pilot of a Rorqual, mothership, or titan who has the ship with clone vat bay installed on it. Now you might not know a lot of mothership and titan pilots with ships, but Rorquals are quite prevalent. The up side of using a Rorqual to install jump clones is that you do not need to leave your current corporation to get them done. The down side is that you can make only 2 jump clones per 24 hours, whereas with NPC stations depending on NPC corp you are able to make up to 5 simultaneously.

You may install as many jump clones as you have levels on Infomorph Psychology skill. This is a Rank 1 Science subset skill that costs 900K and is absolutely required for any jump clone installations.

Jump Clone Services

There are many players and corporations in EVE that offer jump clone services to those who do not have easy access to the means of obtaining jcs listed above. Most of these services are not free. Their owners will ask for a fee of 5-15 million ISK prior to granting you access.

Some of these players offer you to join their corporation to install jump clones. Because the prerequisite for installing them is 8.0+ standing from you OR your corp, being member of a corp with 8.0+ NPC standing will enable you to create jcs at any station this NPC corp owns that provides medical services. The down side of this approach is that you will have to join jump clone corp for a day and leave your current corp. If NPC corporation has several stations with medical services you will be able to create many jump clones simultaneously - one at each station.

Some of these players offer their Rorquals or other capital ships for jump clone installation. In this case you do not have to leave your current corporation in order to install them. You will have to fly to location of the capital ship, which will be a low security system, and install jump clone while being in its direct vicinity. After this you can dock and jump into your newly created jump clone and install a second one. Because the timer for jumping is 24 hours you will have to wait a day before you can install your 3rd jump clone.

Links to some jump clones services:

Other Information

The timer on jump clones is 24 hours, meaning that you can accomplish only one jump in this time.

To execute a clone jump you have to be docked at a station. You cannot leave two jump clones in one station at the same time. Attempting to jump out of a station that already holds one of your jump clones with result in destruction of your second jump clones and whatever implants it might be holding.