Setting Up Teamspeak

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Voice communication tools are incredibly important for coordination in PVP - typing is simply not fast enough to be effective. Along with the in-game Eve Voice tool, many corporations also use out of game software such as Teamspeak, Mumble and Ventrilo.

All Agony classes take place on our Teamspeak 3 server.

Agony Teamspeak Info

To manually set up Teamspeak, use the following information to connect to Agony's TS3 server:

  • Server: or
  • Password: 851y7e30tk07

Or use the following URL - ts3server://

For classes, please set your user name as '[STUDENT]' or '[ALUMNI]' (in capital letters) followed by the name of the character you signed up with. For anything other than one of our classes or public roams, use your corp ticker in brackets.


[STUDENT] Azual Skoll


[ALUMNI] Azual Skoll

Make sure you include a space between '[STUDENT]' or [ALUMNI] and your name.

Students and alumni do not need to include their corp ticker.

TS3 Installation

You can download the Teamspeak 3 client here. Installation is fairly simple. Please be aware that Teamspeak 2 is not compatible with Teamspeak 3 servers - you must connect using Teamspeak 3.


When using Teamspeak 3, you must set your client to 'Push-To-Talk'. By default your client will transmit whenever it detects you speaking, which is not good when we have a class of 60 students.

To change this, click 'Settings' at the top of the TS3 window and go to the 'Capture' tab. Select 'Push-To-Talk' and assign a button of your choice.

If you do not set your client to Push-To-Talk, you will be muted.

Help! Instructor/FC Is Too Quiet!

In TS3, you can easily modify the volume of an individual by right clicking their name and selecting 'Change Volume' - use this on the instructor(s) and FC if they are coming through too quiet.